Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Luxurybabe 60 (known as Pandora Vanilla Shake)

Luxurybabe 60

(From left: Violet Greyish, Brown,  Blue, Greyish Violet )

Diameter: 15.0mm
Prescription: Plano to -5.50
in -0.5 per step
Thickness: 0.04mm
Water Content: 45%
Base Curve: 8.6
Life Span: 1 Year
*Recommend to wear for 3-6 months
Made in Korea

Luxurybabe 60 Violet
mixed with Pink and Green
Prescription: Plano to -5.50
in -0.5 per step

Luxurybabe 60 GREY
mixed with Violet and Yellow
Prescription: Plano to -5.50
in -0.5 per step

Luxurybabe 61 Blue
mixed with Violet and Yellow
Prescription: Plano to -5.50
in -0.5 per step

Luxurybabe 61 Brown
mixed with Aqua Blue and Yellow
Prescription: Plano to -5.50
in -0.5 per step

Luxurybabe 61 aka Bigger Size of Fiffy 4 Tone


(From Left: Brown, Grey, Blue, Violet)

Diameter: 16.0mm
Thickness: 0.04mm
Prescription: Plano to -5.50
in -0.50 per step
Life Span: 1 Year
Recommended to wear them for only 6-9 months
Water Content: 45%
Base Curve: 8.6
Made in Korea
by Belmore INC

Luxurybabe 61 Grey 
Prescription: Plano to -5.50

Luxurybabe 61 Blue 
Prescription: Plano to -5.50

Credited  to Pinky Xiao
Read the review here

 Luxurybabe 61 Brown 
Prescription: Plano to -5.50

 Luxurybabe 61 Violet 
Prescription: Plano to -5.50